Shareable Apps for News & Media
Cut through the media noise by focusing on the emerging mobile market, develop new distribution models and satisfy a new breed of voracious and outspoken consumers.
Fairfax – 100 Women of Influence Awards
The Australian Financial Review and Westpac ‘100 Women of Influence Awards’ is committed to increasing the visibility of women’s leadership in Australia, highlighting the important contribution women make in creating a bold and diverse future for Australia.
Vanessa Ronan-Pierce, Head of Business Events at Fairfax Media, came across Shareable Apps as part of her search and interest in new technology and innovative marketing channels.
Vanessa sees great opportunities for the 100 Women of Influence Shareable App; to act as an adjunct to the Awards, as a vehicle for users to vote, to receive information and updates leading up to the ceremony, to be shared at the event to reveal the winners and even as a mechanism to nominate women for next years’ awards.
The fact that a beautiful, highly functional Shareable App can be produced quickly, at much lower cost than a standard native app and can be shared and downloaded by users on any smartphone or tablet and bypassing the app stores, are what really created the ‘Aha’ moment for Vanessa.
Mobile is the way forward
Embrace a full mobile marketing solution that doesn’t have to replace your traditional style of marketing but amplifies it.
Exceed expectations
Excite and grow your audience, impress the team, give people another great reason to talk about you and engage with all of your media channels.
Read the whitepaper
Download our shareable app demo to read the whitepaper for the retail industry and see for yourself how shareable apps can work for you. Or text Content to +61 400 813 813 to get the PDF.