Yes! Shareable Apps can work for your industry

If you’re wondering how Shareable Apps can be a seamless, cost effective and stand-out addition to the promotion of your business, don’t take our word for it, let some of our customers tell you their app stories.

Businesses from a cross section of industries have been using Shareable Apps and we wanted to know what a few of their experiences have been so far, how they’re using the apps and what benefits they’re seeing.

Many of their approaches can be translated to a range of different businesses as well; you might find the way RMIT used their apps to increase student retention by 13% could be used to reduce staff churn, or the way ulta 3 launched their beauty product in the UK could be the point of difference you’re looking for in your next event.

The opportunities are endless, but don’t let us convince you, check out the videos for yourself.

We can also talk to you about a more custom approach if you’re looking for something specific.


“I think that Shareable Apps is a really great, affordable, easy to use option. Being cross platform is fantastic… all our information in one place and on one device, in the hands of each beauty editor is important to us.”

Samantha Franklin
Brand Manager, ulta3


“One of the things we really liked about Shareable Apps is that it’s updatable instantly, and with 4,000 speakers on our books, particularly for CSI, it’s really important for us to be able to update quickly.”

Phill McMartin


“The fact we are living in an app world means that we need a partner and we’ve got that partner with Shareable Apps.”

Matthew Johnson
Managing Director and CEO, Wealthtrac

To see how Shareable Apps can work for your business, sign up or log in for a free account, or email us at